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Crawford School of Public Policy

Three more success stories from the Crawford School of Public Policy

James Davis

Careers Commentator
ANU’s Crawford School produces high-achieving graduates every year. There’s a lot to be learned from their success.

We’ve talked previously about the successes of some exceptional Crawford graduates, but there are plenty more excellent stories to share and learn from. Similar to our previous article, we’ll be touching briefly on what these graduates studied, how they capitalised on their studies and what you as a prospective or current student can take away.

1: Ella Weisbrot - Master of Public Policy graduate

Among other things, Ella Weisbrot enjoyed Crawford’s ability to deliver exceptional extra-curricular opportunities. Although already an accomplished student, it was Weisbrot’s access to things like the Australian Internships Program working on public policy projects and ANU’s distinguished professors that made her experience. She completed numerous research projects, as well as an internship at Australian Department of Environment and Energy, which would be coveted by anyone desiring a career in public policy.

A great lesson to take away from these experiences as a prospective student is to take advantage of surrounding opportunities. This is an oft-cited reason for career success, but having the initiative to not only seek out but apply for things like internships, or reaching out to professors and building personal relationships, are what it takes to be an exemplary graduate with high employment prospects. Weisbrot took advantage of the bountiful array Crawford provided, so now reaps the benefits.

2: Nathan Ryan - Master of National Security Policy (Advanced) graduate

Coming from a background in philosophy, as well as the history and philosophy of science, Nathan Ryan naturally found himself drawn to policy. His master’s degree allowed him to apply his prior knowledge and enthusiasm for the ways in which national security is maintained. Throughout his degree, he learned a great deal about the multi-faceted nature of security policy and its interaction with world economies, security agencies and the lives of regular people. By upgrading to the advanced program, Ryan gained the opportunity to undergo a 15,000 word thesis that utilised his prior background in the philosophy of science. This dive into academia yielded significant results; it not only deepened his knowledge and that of the field, but earned a scholarship run by MIT.

From Ryan, prospective students that there’s much to be gained in academic pursuits, not just studying for the sake of private or non-profit sector success. By contributing to your field, it’s possible to make the lives of people everywhere better. This is all made possible by the resources and connections provided at Crawford School.

3: Ying Yeung - Master of International Development Economics graduate

Yeung found that being at a research intensive university improved the quality of her teaching. Not only were her professors adept teachers, but active participants in policy decision making throughout Australia. These practical insights were immensely helpful to her ambitions for working in Zanzibar as a development economist. The applicability of her professor’s experiences was obvious to her; due to the fact they were all so passionate and engaged with their curriculums, they were far better able to deliver the course content and consequently impart wisdom from their vast experiences on the subjects. Combined with the incredibly diverse student body boasted by Crawford School, she was in the company of unparalleled intellectual diversity.

Needless to say, the value of diversity provides great opportunity to test one’s own ideas and better them as a result. By engaging in discourse with professors and fellow students across backgrounds and levels of experiences, it becomes possible to engage in the sort of productive discourse that can only lead to the refinement of ideas as a result. Yeung did just this. From her, prospective students can learn not only the value of engaging with the accomplished staff, but also fellow students. At Crawford, it pays to make time for your colleagues rather than attending the bare minimum classes and heading away without talking to anyone.

Hopefully the varying ambitions and lessons to be learned from these graduates have given you some things to think about. By seeking internships and the incredible number of opportunities, the pursuit of academic or professional success and forging bonds with fellow professors and students, the Crawford School of Public Policy can be a place of great achievement.